Broadacre City model, 1935

Broadacre City model, 1935

© The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundations Archives


GÉNÉRALE is a collaborative platform based in Brussels.

As an architectural practice, we try to get the pace of the situations to design turbo-folk spaces.
The office is readymade

David Crambert
Catherine Dohmen
Annachiara Eliseo
Grégoire Fettweis
Florence Hoffmann
François Lichtlé

Eloisa Astudillo
Nele Stragier


Islay Cassels
Clara Dahan
Louise Castelli
Lucas Boute

Former Collaborators

Chloé Cattan
Marco Petrangeli
Tatiana Darnovsky
Ugne Neveckaite
Nicolas Jonard
Efe Göle
Maxime Le Droupéet
Alice Foulon
Klara Schmidt
Vincent P. Alexis
François Ricciardi
Damiaan van Dun
Michael Bianchi

more info (at)

Unless otherwise noted, all photographs: © François Lichtlé